“Chi fuor li maggiori tui?”
(Dante Alighieri, I, X, 43)

Palazzo Riccamboni belonged to the Riccamboni family.
The Riccamboni family (Richebonus de Ripa) “is one of the oldest families in Riva del Garda, whose origins go back through the centuries to the main and few nuclei of citizens of Benaco.”
The earliest written record dates back to before the 12th century, the time when Blessed Pacifico Riccamboni, one of the first companions of St. Francis of Assisi, lived. The remains of Blessed Pacifico are preserved in the urn above an altar in the Archpriest’s Church in Riva del Garda. A street in Riva del Garda (Viale Beato Riccamboni) was named after him.
As reported in the Familiarium tridentinum, the Riccamboni family had among its descendants people who contributed to the development and growth of the local community, both through their work, profession, activity (apotecarius, magister, massarius, medicus, notariuis, presbiter, sacerdos, sindicus, thesaurarius, viceplebanus), and with their substances (important donations to the Church and other entities and establishment of three bequests: two benefices operating for four centuries and a school foundation more than a hundred years old, still operating today).
Palazzo Riccamboni represents part of the family’s heritage that is still preserved.
Above the front door of the Riccamboni Palace is the coat of arms of the Riccamboni family, also reproduced on the south wall of the Riva Archpriest’s Church.
The names of our residences are dedicated to the progenitor of the Riccamboni lineage and his closest descendants.
The property has arranged, at its own care and expense, for recent conservation restoration.