We went to visit Parco Grotta Cascata Varone Cave, in Riva del Garda on Lake Garda. Not only a waterfall, but caves carved into the rock, a nature park and a botanical garden of extraordinary beauty. The heavy rains of the past few weeks have given us a setting of exceptional majesty and power.

The Varone Waterfall, set against the natural backdrop of Lake Garda, is a true spectacle to be seen and heard.

In addition to its beauty, Varone Falls has a fascinating history. Over the centuries it has been exploited for industrial purposes because of the strength of its waters, which were used to drive mills and factories. It is said to have been known since ancient times and to have inspired poets and artists with its charm. We certainly know that Prince Humbert II, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Emperor Franz Joseph, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann and other literary men and poets visited the waterfall.

Work to make the waterfall and the park accessible began about a century and a half ago, with the construction of the first infrastructure. Some pictures from that time can be seen at the entrance of the park. The entrance was designed by architect Maroni, well known and active in Riva del Garda, the same one who also signed the design of the “Vittoriale,” Gabriele D’Annunzio’s residence in Gardone Riviera. The waterfall was made visitable and officially opened to the public on June 20, 1874.

Our visit to Varone Waterfall Cave Park begins at the cliff or peak of Deva. This cliff is a rock that surfaced during the grandiose phenomenon of alpine corrugation and is therefore millions of years old. Adjacent to the cliff is the quiet little valley of Ravizze: watered by rivulets and small waterfalls that flow from a spring located a few dozen meters higher up; just below flows the rushing torrent that flows into Lake Garda; all around, lush vegetation of ferns, mosses and aquatic plants. We are in a nature park.

Turning your gaze to the right, there it is – hidden among the rocks – the waterfall.

Varone Falls is a true geological rarity. A natural gorge eroded over 20,000 years by water from Lake Tenno (8 kilometers further upstream), which thunderously plummets from a height of nearly one hundred meters. After the jump, the Varone stream emerges from the gorge and flows down to Lake Garda where it empties. Hence the name Varone Falls.

There are two vantage points for viewing the waterfall: the lower cave, at the beginning of the trail, and the upper cave, 40 meters higher up.

Through a gash in the rock, the lower cave is accessed. It is actually not a real cave, but a very narrow and high ravine, a gorge carved inside the mountain by the fury of the waters. The gorge today penetrates 55 meters from the entrance, but at the top the gorge reaches a depth of 73 meters. The waterfall drop reaches a total of 98 meters. Looking upward, light penetrates from the upper opening of the rocks, creating a striking play of light. The roar of falling water and the splashing of water against rocks create a magical and evocative environment. You will be enraptured by the spectacle and come out amazed and … wet!

To reach the upper cave we cross the magnificent botanical garden with a pleasant and easy relaxing walk. If the weather is nice, it is an excellent opportunity to dry out in the sun. Otherwise, watch out for a cold!

The waterfall area is a valuable ecological oasis. Typical Mediterranean plants and trees characteristic of the mountains grow here: palms, olive trees, cypresses, Japan loquats, oleanders, lemons on one side; and oaks, oaks, laurel, black pine, larch on the other. Typical of Lake Garda is the olive tree. The terraces of the Varone Waterfall Park are also home to a botanical garden with species from different climates that are perfectly adapted here. In the flower beds, nameplates guide the experience.

The entrance to the upper cave is a tunnel carved into the living rock back in 1870: a 15-meter-long tunnel that takes us inside the funnel into which the waterfall falls. Here a gorge completely excavated by the power of water, which forces and excavates, gives rise to the gorge. Looking down at the bottom, where the Varone Falls concludes its leap, you can see the turbulent pond that collects water from the waterfall and goes to discharge into the lower cave. The rocks and water create a striking and majestic setting. For the brave, it is possible to lean over the small bridge and enjoy the frightening view of the gully carved by the waterfall and the entrance to the lower cave. Looking up, however, is the top of the gorge, a fissure from which water rushes down. Up there is a narrow gorge through which the stream that feeds the waterfall flows. Here, too, you will be enraptured and enchanted by the spectacle; and once again you will come out–wet!


Today the Varone Falls are a tourist attraction on Lake Garda, a spectacle that attracts visitors from all over the world to admire the power of nature. With scenic walkways and observation platforms, visitors can get close to the falls and hear the roar of the water crashing against the rocks. It is a unique, breathtaking experience that pays homage to the beauty and power of nature.

The Parco Grotta Cascata Varone waterfall park is located 3 km from Palazzo Riccamboni in Riva del Garda. It can be reached by car (with convenient parking), by public transportation or by the Bus&Go service, free of charge for our guests and all Garda Guest Card holders.

During your vacation in Riva del Garda, visit Parco Grotta Cascata Varone waterfall, caves, nature park and botanical garden; but don’t forget your raincoat!